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HON'BLE Shri B.N. Talukdar, Member (Technical)

Profile of Sh. Shri B.N. Talukdar, Technical Member (P&NG)

                Shri B.N. Talukdar, joined the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity, Govt. of India as Technical Member (Petroleum & Natural Gas) on 3rd March, 2016. Prior to taking over this assignment, Shri Takulkdar was Director General of the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH), Govt. of India and retired from there on 30.06.2015. Before his assignment in DGH, Shri Talukdar was the Director (Exploration and Development) of the upstream Exploration and Production Company, Oil India Limited under the Administrative Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. He served Oil India Limited as Director for more than 6 years and joined the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons as the Director General on 06.02.2014.

       Shri Talukdar is a Petroleum Engineering graduate from the Premier Institute, the Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad. Immediately after passing out from the university, he joined Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited and after a short stint there, he switched over to Oil India Ltd. He was awarded university Gold Medal while graduating from Indian School of Mines and during his service career, he received the 'Best Alumni Award' from this institute. Shri Talukdar has a number of achievements to his credit while working as Director in Oil India Ltd. A number of significant hydrocarbon discoveries took place both within the country and abroad during his tenure. First ever hydrocarbon discovery took place in foreign countries operated by Oil India during his tenure. He was responsible for inducting a number of advanced and new technologies to the company in Exploration/Development and Drilling disciplines. The company achieved highest ever crude oil production during his tenure when he was monitoring the exploration/development and drilling projects of the company. Under his leadership, the Center of Excellence for Energy Studies, the Certificate School for drilling and production engineers, the Virtual Reality Center etc were set up in the company for the first time ever of these kinds.

       Subsequently, during his tenure as Director General of the Directorate General Hydrocarbons also, lot of policy changes were brought in and new policies initiated in the Upstream Hydrocarbon sector in the country. Setting up of the National Data Repository (NDR) of the Govt. of India for the entire Hydrocarbons Sector was one of the remarkable milestones that Govt. of India met during his tenure.

       Shri Talukdar is a distinguished Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), USA and Society of Petroleum Geophysicists (SPG) and American Association of Petroleum Geologists, India. He also served the SPE, New Delhi Chapter as the Chairman. He is a past member of Research Council/Academic Council of the Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad and also member, Executive Council of the Indian Society of Applied Geochemists (ISAG). While he was Director General of Hydrocarbons, he was also the Member Secretary of the Dr. Kelkar's Committee formed by Govt. of India to prepare a road map for reduction in import dependency in the hydrocarbon sector by 2030.